Does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT Therapy) and Mindfulness Help Pure O or Intrusive Thoughts?
Does CBT Therapy Cure Pure O or Intrusive Thoughts?
Does CBT Therapy Cure Pure O? In short yes, it can help a range of problems including Pure O, OCD and Intrusive thoughts. Let’s look first at what intrusive thoughts actually are.
Intrusive thoughts are unwanted and can be distressing. They might pop up at any time in your head. Even though you might be lying down in bed, cleaning the dishes, driving to work, or sitting on your sofa, these disturbing thoughts or images frequently occur in your head in an upsetting way. There is always a disturbing concern and worry about the future, regardless of whether the ideas are violent or sexual.
Even while intrusive thoughts are a well-known sign of many mental health problems, including depression, PTSD, and OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), many people do experience them. 94% of people, according to research, have experienced intrusive thoughts at some point, but this does not necessarily indicate that a person has a mental problem.
A person with OCD will have more troubling intrusive thoughts than someone without OCD, which is what sets them apart from someone who just experiences intrusive thoughts. For instance, if a person with intrusive thoughts is alone and has the bizarre thought of punching a random person they see close by, they will likely just go about their day believing it to be an odd thought. The same intrusive idea would cause anxiety in an OCD sufferer, who would question why they were thinking about it. They are very concerned about the motivation behind their actions.
There are a few things that cause these ideas, like stress and worry. If you want to know if you have intrusive thoughts, here are some symptoms to look out for:
- There are a few things that cause these ideas, like stress and worry. If you want to know if you have intrusive thoughts, here are some symptoms to look out for:
- Your thoughts are odd and very dissimilar from what you often think.
- You are working extremely hard to get rid of your troublesome thoughts from your mind.
- You struggle to regulate your thoughts, and the more you try, the worse it becomes.
It is crucial that you see a mental health expert if you believe you are exhibiting these symptoms. Medication and talking therapy particularly Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT Therapy), are available as effective treatments.

How to Help Pure O and Intrusive Thoughts
When you are having intrusive thoughts or Pure O, there are a few things you can do for yourself:
- Recognize that your thinking is just intrusive in nature and that it differs from how you typically think or believe.
- Don’t attempt to manage the thought. Accept things as they are rather than trying to change them, and it is likely they will go away.
- Try not to criticise yourself. You may feel that you have a problem or that you are a bad person as a result of these ideas but understand that these thoughts can be normal and don’t mean that something is wrong with you.
On the other hand, there are a few things you can practice as well:
- Mindfulness meditation
- Exercise or physical activity
- Deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation
- Reframing negative thoughts
- Writing or talking about thoughts with a trusted friend
- Engaging in hobbies or activities that bring joy
- Challenge the thought’s validity by seeking evidence
- Practice self-compassion
- Distract yourself with a new task or activity
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT Therapy)
CBT Therapist London
This article was curated by Alistair Bond – Senior CBT Therapist in London. He is the Clinical Director of the CBT Clinic London and he specialises in treating “Pure O” and OCD.
If you or a loved one are struggling with intrusive thoughts, please get in touch with us. You call our friendly reception on 0207 157 9924, email info@cbtcliniclondon.com or simply fill out our new patient registration form and we’ll get back to you.
We offer CBT Therapy either Online or Face to Face in our London Clinic. We also offer the option to combine both to suit your lifestyle and preference.
*We thank Sue (name has been changed) for her kindness and generosity in sharing her success story to help and inspire others.
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CBT Therapy Treatment for Intrusive Thoughts
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT therapy) Treatment for
Intrusive Thoughts or Pure O
Sue’s Story
This case study was written to show how effective CBT Therapy Treatment is for Intrusive Thoughts.
Sue* is a professional dance choreographer in her mid-thirties who lives with her partner and her dog in Greenwich, London.
Nine months ago Sue was walking the dog in her local park when she saw some children playing football. Suddenly out of nowhere, an image came into her head that disgusted her and she found it morally reprehensible.
Sue tried to get the thought to leave her head but it just wouldn’t go away. Over the next few weeks, more horrible and distressing thoughts of a similar nature kept coming into her Mind.
“They would plague me for hours and always be at the back of my mind – I thought I was going crazy or turning into someone I despised”
Everything she tried to “banish the thoughts from her mind” just wasn’t working. She got very scared and that was the point when she reached out to the CBT Clinic London for help. She searched on Google and found that the most effective way to treat Intrusive Thoughts was Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT Therapy.
“Everything I tried to get rid of these frightening and horrible images just wasn’t working”.
CBT Therapy Treatment for Intrusive Thoughts
Sue was assessed by one of our Senior CBT Therapists at the CBT Clinic London who reassured Sue that these thoughts were completely treatable and would not be a feature for the rest of her life. In fact, they were so common that the media had termed them “Pure O” a form of OCD.
“I was greatly relieved to hear this as some of the forums and articles I had found online had said that I would have to live with these distressing thoughts for the rest of my life. “
Sue’s treatment plan was informed by the highly effective and clinically validated* CBT Therapy Model for the treatment of OCD. (see below)*

Although most people in Sue’s case are not doing any “outside world” compulsions which often are present in a classic OCD case the CBT Therapy Model for OCD (see below) is always the one we use said Alistair Bond one of the Senior CBT Therapists at the CBT Clinic London. Often we find that although sufferers of “Pure O” are not doing outward compulsions they are often or always doing inward compulsions. In Sue’s case, just one of the inward compulsions she was engaging in was counting backwards from 100 when the distressing images would intrude into her mind.
Once her treatment was concluded Sue’s distressing Intrusive Thoughts had completely gone away and her anxiety had returned to normal.
“I am so grateful to the clinic and in particular to Alistair Bond. He taught me why and how to accept the images and thoughts and how to reduce and eventually overtime, completely stop the mental compulsions. I learnt to work on the obstacles and barriers inside of me that were stopping me from being able to accept these very difficult and upsetting thoughts. Eventually overtime I was able to accept and learn from the thoughts until one beautiful day they just left me. “
The Clinical Measures we use at the clinic allow us to see Sue’s anxiety had reduced by 90% using Sue’s self-reported scores from when she entered treatment to when she exited treatment, She also reported no further intrusions.
As is our policy at the clinic we always do a 3-month and 6 month follow up. This is best practice in CBT Therapy. We are pleased to report that at the 3 and 6 month follow ups Sue reported no further intrusions and her anxiety had consistently been improving.
“CBT Therapy is amazing for helping you with “Pure O” and OCD. If you haven’t tried it yet my best advice is give it a go, you definitely won’t regret it!”
CBT Therapist London
This article was curated by Alistair Bond – Senior CBT Therapist in London. He is the Clinical Director of the CBT Clinic London and he specialises in treating “Pure O” and OCD.
If you or a loved one are struggling with intrusive thoughts, please get in touch with us. You call our friendly reception on 0207 157 9924, email info@cbtcliniclondon.com or simply fill out our new patient registration form and we’ll get back to you.
We offer CBT Therapy either Online or Face to Face in our London Clinic. We also offer the option to combine both to suit your lifestyle and preference.
*We thank Sue (name has been changed) for her kindness and generosity in sharing her success story to help and inspire others.
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Are you suffering with Intrusive Distressing Thoughts or Pure O? Here is a guide to help you?
What are Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, distressing thoughts that occur in people’s minds and repeat or worsen over time. Intrusive thoughts can often be disturbing, causing anxiety and fear. It is very common to have them when around or about loved ones. People often have intrusive thoughts about violence or sexual acts, which can keep people stuck in a vicious cycle. Intrusive thoughts are sudden and stressful. They can “come out of nowhere”. Almost always the thoughts are in direct contrast to people’s value systems and what they really want to be thinking about.
Intrusive thoughts can be mistaken for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD can cause intrusive thoughts but following a Programme of OCD targeted CBT Therapy can really help.
Of course, people without OCD can suffer from intrusive thoughts that do not disappear quickly. These thoughts can have lasting detrimental psychological effects usually due to their upsetting and distressing nature.
Are Intrusive Thoughts Normal?
Invasive thoughts are normal. Everyone has random, intrusive thoughts that have no bearing on what they’re doing or thinking. However, persistent, anxiety-inducing negative intrusive thoughts can be distressing and may affect your health and happiness. Seeking professional help will help.
What are the Most Common Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusions do vary. Some people have disturbing thoughts about hurting themselves, while others worry about hurting others. Intrusive thoughts can hinder happiness, health, and fulfilment. They can cause severe stress, anxiety, and create career disruption if left untreated.
Some of the most common intrusive thoughts:
- Thoughts about hurting yourself, others, or violent scenarios
- Sexual acts or distressing sexual situations (like being attracted to children, family members, or rape)
- Your relationship (overanalysing innocent behaviour, paranoia about infidelity, finding faults in your partner)
- Religion
- Poisoning
- Self-criticism
- Sexuality

Pure O Specialists at the CBT Clinic London
Our specialists have decades of experience diagnosing and treating intrusive thoughts in top UK and international institutions. We know that the right treatment combination can transform lives, so our experts stay up to date on the latest psychological developments to provide you with the best care.
These are some of the most common intrusive thoughts, but the brain is a complex think tank, so you may have intrusive thoughts about personal events and situations that are not listed here. If you want to discuss any aspect of your intrusions please contact us here.
How are Intrusive Thoughts Treated?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT Therapy), Mindfulness Meditation and Medication can all be used to treat intrusive thoughts. We’ll tailor a plan to your circumstances, medical history, and underlying conditions to help you live a balanced life free of intrusions.
The CBT Clinic London understands intrusive thoughts and can help. After assessing your symptoms, medical history, and frequency and duration, we can diagnose intrusive thoughts and help you live without them.
Schedule an appointment today to learn how you can master your intrusive thoughts. Your consultation will reveal your diagnosis and a customised treatment plan.
Book online with our intrusive thoughts treatment specialists. Register via our new patient form.
Online intrusive thoughts evaluation and diagnosis.
Prefer flexible payments? We offer payment plans.
How does The CBT Clinic London Treat Intrusive Thoughts?
The CBT Clinic London treats intrusive thoughts holistically. We’ll customise a treatment plan using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT Therapy), Mindfulness Meditation and Medication (when indicated).
We will first conduct a thorough assessment to determine the cause of your invasive thoughts. After a professional diagnosis, we will create a customised treatment plan to ensure the best therapeutic results. Medication may be part of your treatment.
Intrusive thoughts can make you feel out of control, so a good treatment plan can change your life.
What is the process?
1 -We start with a professional intrusive thoughts diagnosis and a personalised assessment report, which you can share with your GP, to ensure a perfect treatment plan.
2. – Our specialists will tailor a treatment plan to your therapy and medication needs. We know the benefits of each treatment and medication and can explain them to you during your appointment.
3. – We recommend follow-up appointments to review progress, discuss concerns and adjust medication doses to help intrusive thought patients recover.
Intrusive Thought Treatment London
After our thorough assessment and intrusive thoughts diagnosis, you’ll receive a tailored, balanced treatment plan to manage your symptoms and reduce the condition’s impact on your life.
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Pure O – All The Facts You Need To Know
Pure O – All The Facts You Need To Know
Purely Obsessional OCD, or Pure O as it’s more commonly referred to, is a form of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) characterised by intrusive, uncontrollable thoughts or obsessions. Although someone experiencing Pure O may not display the more obvious behaviours associated with OCD such as hand-washing, arranging, cleaning and counting, the disorder is instead accompanied by hidden mental rituals.
Pure O is often seen as a less severe form of OCD however that is far from correct. For those experiencing the symptoms of Pure O, the intrusive thoughts that present can be extremely disruptive and distressing.
How Does Pure O differ from OCD?
Those with Puro O experience obsessions without any obvious behavioural compulsions however, they do still engage in mental and unseen rituals. By therapists and mental health professionals understanding these rituals and how they affect sufferers, they can then ask patients about these symptoms.
Often patients with these intrusive thoughts may be reluctant to discuss this and may not actually be aware that by acknowledging them, they can begin to take control of them.
What Are the Symptoms of Pure O?
The nature of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder means having recurring obsessions and displaying compulsive behaviours e.g having uncontrollable thoughts of germs and cleanliness which results in a com[pulsion to wash their hands repeatedly.
Those who experience OCD in a purely obsessional form still encounter a range of OCD symptoms however the outwardly obvious compulsions aren’t displayed. By definition, OCD is characterised by obsessions and compulsions. With Pure O these can be identified in the image below.

What Are Obsessions?
Obsessions can be described as recurring, persistent, intrusive and unwanted thoughts, images or urges which cause distress and anxiety. Obsessions often focus on somatic (related to the body), sexual, religious or aggressive thoughts. Concerns with symmetry, order and contamination can also be present.
What Are Compulsions?
Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or mental acts those with OCD are compelled to perform as a response to an obsession or perhaps, to satisfy a set of rules that govern their thoughts. Compulsions are excessive in comparison to typical reactions to thoughts and not connected realistically to the issue they’re intended to solve.
What Compulsions Are Associated with Pure O?
Intrusive thoughts may also be described as “unacceptable thoughts” or “taboo thoughts” which lead to obsessions and therefore compulsions. Individuals who experience Pure O obsessions engage in mental rituals in order to manage their distress and anxiety. These rituals could include:
- Mentally repeating certain words
- Mentally reviewing memories or information
- Mentally un-doing certain actions
As an example, a simple interaction at a supermarket with a stranger where the patient has mispronounced a word may be played out over and over mentally, with those experiencing this thought, thinking of how the situation would have gone differently if they hadn’t misspoken.
Those in distress by intrusive thoughts may then compulsively seek reassurance, most usually without realising that they are doing this or recognising it as a compulsion. Reassurance-seeking behaviour could look like:
- Researching online
- Seeking self-assurance
- Asking others for assurance
- Avoiding anxiety-provoking situations
Types of OCD
It’s thought that there may be three to six subtypes of OCD including Pure O. When it was first spoken of in a 1994 article (Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Pure O was described as being composed of “sexual, aggressive and religious obsession that were not accompanied by compulsions”. However, later research went on to further divide aggressive obsession into fears of impulsive harm and unintentional harm. These thoughts of impulsive harm are often related to sex, religion and aggression.
Some common types of OCD experienced by patients with Pure O could include:
Harm OCD: Fears of causing harm to oneself or another including physical harm such as aggression towards or killing oneself or others and sexual harm including sexual harm towards children.
Intrusions about children OCD: Unwanted thoughts of a sexual nature and urges related to children. These can be accompanied by compulsive rituals for example washing or praying to neutralise the thoughts and urges.
Relationship OCD: Intrusive and unwanted thoughts which cause people to doubt their feelings within the relationship including the level of attraction and love for the partner as well as question their sexual desirability or compatibility.
Sexual Orientation obsession in OCD: This can also be called HODC or homosexual OCD Extreme anxiety about sexual orientation.
Treatment for Pure O and OCD
Treatment for OCD, including pure O, can include the use of medication in combination with psychotherapy, which can include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and support groups as well as psychological education.
It has been discovered that CBT therapy can be an extremely effective treatment for Pure O. It is vital that therapists address the underlying mental rituals that characterise Pure O, if the therapist believes that the patient only suffers from obsessions and does not also treat the mental rituals that accompany these thoughts, the treatment will not be as effective.
Although successful treatment of OCD should entail consulting with a qualified mental health professional, there are a number of self-help strategies that you can start using before you start professional treatment to help you or someone you love to cope with pure O symptoms.
Relaxation strategies: As stress is a major trigger of pure O symptoms, one of the best ways to cope is to learn and practise relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation.
Exercise: There is growing evidence that engaging in aerobic exercise can reduce the symptoms of OCD. Exercise helps to release endorphins which are our happy hormones so is an important aspect of our daily mental health, exercising outdoors can be even more beneficial.
Support groups: Both online and in-person support groups can be of enormous benefit to people with pure O and their loved ones by providing resources, information, or simply a compassionate, listening ear.
If you or a loved one are suffering from Pure O, contact your healthcare provider and seek advice. They will provide you with a treatment plan as well as ongoing support and resources.
CBT Therapy London
Alistair Bond is principal practitioner at CBT Clinic London. As well as being an expert in CBT therapy and Mindfulness Meditation he specialises in OCD and helping people overcome distressing and upsetting Intrusive Thoughts- what is referred to in the media now as “Pure O”
The CBT Clinic London offers both online and face-to-face CBT Therapy. Just tell us which you’d prefer at your FREE consultation. If you’d like to mix the types of sessions you have, we also have that option. If you choose one type of session and decide you’d like to try another format, you have the freedom to change. Your therapy should be your way and led by you.
Contact us today to arrange your FREE Consultation. Call our friendly reception on 0207 157 9924 or fill out this form:
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Online CBT Therapy – Everything You Need To Know
Online CBT Therapy – Everything You Need To Know
Online CBT Therapy is the new era of mental health help. Many of us that shied away from technology, especially video calling, are now opting to conduct the majority of our meetings via an online conferencing platform from the comfort of our own homes.
Armed with new skills and increased confidence in this area of modern technology we can now access therapy much more easily and fit it into our daily lives much more efficiently. But just what are the other benefits of online CBT therapy and how does it differ from face-to-face therapy?
The benefits of Online CBT Therapy Vs Face to Face
Can online CBT therapy really be as effective as traditional in-person therapy? In the past people have had reservations about receiving therapy purely online. Worries mostly surround not being able to form the same connection with their therapist and the overall effectiveness of the treatment. We find that actually our clients rate online CBT Therapy as highly as face-to-face therapy in the areas of therapeutic relationships and getting the results they need.
One of the biggest advantages of online CBT Therapy is the increased accessibility. You can access your session from anywhere you feel comfortable whether that’s at home, in the office or even sitting on a beach.
Often we find one of the biggest barriers for people accessing CBT Therapy is either transport to get to the appointment or time to fit it into busy schedules. As online CBT Therapy can be conducted wherever you are, these barriers are removed and more people can access the help they need.
Online CBT therapy can also be the ideal platform for those not wanting to seek a therapist in their local area due to anticipation of stigma or perhaps there are no services available locally.
When choosing a CBT therapist it’s vital that the person you connect with is right for you. If there’s little choice in your local area, you could end up with a therapist you don’t get the best from, not through the fault of you or the therapist, but quite simply, sometimes we connect with a person and sometimes we don’t. That’s okay.
As long as you feel comfortable, there’s no reason why the relationship between you and your therapist can’t be as strong if not stronger than one you could have by sitting in the same room. It’s all a personal choice and if your therapist is the right fit, online CBT therapy can be the perfect solution.
Online CBT Therapy

Getting the Most from Online CBT Therapy
There are a few basics to consider when getting ready for any therapy session, face-to-face or online but the main things to think about for online sessions are:
- Be on time
- Check all technology is working in advance and is charged
- Ensure you have privacy
- Turn off alerts and close other windows
- Wear comfortable clothes
- Have tissues and water nearby.
But what can you do to really get the most from your therapy sessions?
Be prepared
Being on time for your therapy session is a basic thing however being ready for it is totally different. This doesn’t mean knowing exactly what you will say, or feeling calm. It’s natural to be anxious before a session and not know what to talk about, your therapist will do the work and guide you along the way.
What we mean by being ready is not rushing from a work zoom call, becoming flustered when your mic suddenly won’t work or wasting the first ten minutes of your session getting settled into your chair.
Make sure you have privacy
Having a space to yourself for your session is ample, however, if there are still other people in the house, it can mean you hold back from discussing certain issues or going into depth for fear of being overheard or even distracted by noises.
It can be a good idea to talk to your partner to see if they can schedule a shopping trip or head to the gym for example to coincide with your session. If you have children, it can be helpful if someone trusted can take them out for a little while or at least keep them busy. We all remember the infamous interruptions by various children during TV interviews during the pandemic.
Don’t hold your phone
If you have no option but to use your phone make sure you stand it up rather than holding it in your hand. Holding your phone can distract your brain by trying to stay in frame or your arms aching after a while. Therapy sessions aren’t a 10-minute chat.
If you can use a larger screen it can help you get more from each session. This is especially useful if you often feel judged or not listened to. The more clearly you can see your therapist’s face, the more you can see that they are listening and accepting you as well as gauging their emotions more easily as they speak. A larger screen also allows us to share resources on screen such as Psychological Questionnaires, CBT Therapy Materials and the use Zoom Whiteboard facility.
Tell your therapist if you’re distracted
If your doorbell is ringing nonstop, the dog is barking, your children are shouting for you or you simply need the loo to the extent you can’t focus, simply be honest with your therapist. It’s much better for both you and your therapist if you’re honest and need to take a break. If you’re distracted you’ll have wasted the whole session rather than spending a few moments dealing with the distraction.
CBT Therapist London
Alistair Bond is principal practitioner at CBT Clinic London. As well as being an expert in CBT therapy and Mindfulness Meditation he specialises in OCD and helping people overcome distressing and upsetting Intrusive Thoughts- what is referred to in the media now as “Pure O”. Read more about Pure O here.
The CBT Clinic London offers both online and face-to-face CBT Therapy. Just tell us which you’d prefer at your FREE consultation. If you’d like to mix the types of sessions you have, we also have that option. If you choose one type of session and decide you’d like to try another format, you have the freedom to change. Your therapy should be your way and led by you.
Contact us today to arrange your FREE Consultation. Call our friendly reception on 0207 157 9924 or fill out this form:

Getting Some Perspective on Your Life
The funny things about us human beings is that we are literally spinning around on a rock in the middle of nowhere and we are stressing out if we get ketchup on our new shirt! We live in just one of three trillion galaxies that make up the universe and we think our own personal problems are such a big deal. Boy have we lost perspective.
We can use our Mind to get some perspective back. It is the kindest thing to do. The act of doing this. Using your Mind to wrestle back the perspective you have lost. Forcing your Mind to see the reality of your life and thinking about things differently is CBT Therapy.
The minute we start to think differently about our lives and our problems, we are putting much more useful thoughts inside our heads. This can’t help but create a nicer experience inside of us. Give it a go and see for yourself.
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Corona Virus Anxiety London – Free Mindfulness Therapy Online Every Wednesday
Right now (April 2020) we are dealing with a very unusual, disruptive and downright scary issue. Many of us are worrying about how COVID-19 is going to affect our day to day existence, finances, our health and our future.
To feel anxious at this present time is natural. Everyone is processing this event with some level of anxiety, and everyone has different mechanisms for coping with the prospect of the Coronavirus arriving on their doorstep.
Alistair Bond from CBT Clinic London is launching a series of free online “Lunchtime Mindfulness Meditation” Classes starting on 01/04/20 from 12 pm – 1 pm. These classes are open to all and aim to help you to navigate the anxiety caused by the stressful situation we are all facing.
Book A Free Anxiety Therapy Course Online Now – Every Wednesday
Click here to book your FREE online therapy group mindfulness session now on a Wednesday that suits you.
“Everything originates from this moment. It is the only thing we have. Now more than ever, is the time to stay grounded and present”, says Alistair Bond, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, from The CBT Clinic London.
“We need proven ways to stop our minds from jumping too far ahead into the “scary” future. In these challenging times, we must seek out practices that bring more acceptance to the problematic thoughts and feelings that accompany this new reality, we find ourselves in. I don’t know a better way to do that than engaging in Mindfulness Meditation. This is why I think it is vital for me to provide these FREE classes for anyone who wishes to learn this life-affirming and highly practical skill.”

What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a natural response to high levels of stress which is often brought about by feelings of fear about the future. We all experience anxiety differently and with a varying level of ferociousness. The symptoms can build up over time and the focus of our anxiety can change. You may have a constant “sinking feeling” in the pit of your stomach, restlessness and difficulties in concentrating. Whilst others may experience, muscular tension, a racing heart, feeling hot or sweaty or difficulties with sleep.
Anxiety, if left unchecked, can build up to a point where we may experience a Panic Attack. This is where the mental anguish felt transcends into an extreme physical state and can be experienced as feeling faint, heart palpitations, chest pains, dizziness, shortness of breath or dry mouth. Often we misinterpret these symptoms and believe we are going to have a heart attack, suffer a stroke or lose our minds. Which keeps us stuck in a vicious cycle of panic.
How Does Mindfulness Help Anxiety?
In light of what we are now facing with the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety within us could be created by so many issues. Money worries, isolation and loneliness, worrying about the wellbeing of relatives, food availability, the fear of getting or spreading illness, redundancy, your career/ business, your health or your future goals to name but a few.
There are many ways in which Mindfulness Meditation can help reduce the stress response created in our bodies and minds at times like these. By learning how to connect more deeply to the present, learning how to respond rather than react and bring a greater acceptance to our current experience, we can activate our “self – soothing” mechanism leading to an increased sense of well being inside of ourselves.
In our article about Mindfulness, we explored in more detail about the benefits of Meditation and how connecting to the present and accepting our feelings can help us gain peace within our bodies and minds.
In this unprecedented time, we are being forced to deal with an influx of new feelings and thoughts which are unfamiliar and unwelcome. The ‘noise’ we now may have to filter out is that of our own internal dialogue brought about by these feelings, as well as the constant news updates you may feel compelled to watch.
Mindfulness can help us filter this noise and forces us to carve out some space in our new and temporary regime in order to help us connect to the present and not get caught up in a future we have little or no control over.
Online Guided Meditation for Anxiety
You can join us online for our free Mindfulness Meditation classes starting on 01/04/20 from 12 pm- 1 pm. The 60-minute meditation class will be presented over Zoom (www.zoom.us) and is open to everyone. Zoom software is free to download and just takes a few minutes. To book yourself a place on our free Mindfulness Meditation classes click here.
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Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety and Stress
If you are feeling stressed, anxious, have poor concentration, dwell on the past, worry excessively, are trapped in overthinking or are having trouble sleeping, you may find that mindfulness meditation will help you cope better with the pressures that everyday life can bring.
Mindfulness and meditation are separate practices, but they go hand in hand to help alleviate certain thought processes and patterns of behaviour which can cause stress or distress and are often an underlying factor in some health conditions. Mindfulness is essentially the practice of being ‘aware’ of something, such as thoughts, behaviours, feelings or movements, and the world around you. In paying attention to the present, you can make great steps to improve your overall mental well-being.
To help facilitate a state of ‘in the moment’ mindfulness meditation is practised, helping ease the mind of external influences and allowing us to focus inwards. This helps us to identify the thoughts and sensations we are experiencing and see the ‘present’ with more clarity.
Find out more about our London Based mindfulness meditation classes or to book a one-to-one session contact us on 0207 157 9924 or email info@cbtcliniclondon.com.

Benefits of Meditation
The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are well documented and scientifically proven. Many of our clients who work in high pressure, professional environments often have psychological challenges that they feel are holding them back or are affecting their quality of life. Issues such as anxiety, insomnia, stress, high blood pressure, low energy levels, depression, headaches & migraines, restlessness, and problems concentrating can all be managed with mindfulness and meditation techniques.
The practice of mindfulness meditation is gaining more and more recognition as a useful tool in combating issues that are born out of modern-day living. In fact, the NHS recognises mindfulness as a way to help improve mental health and well-being in adults and children alike.
Mindfulness and Meditation Courses London
Mindfulness and meditation gives us the chance to step out of our hectic lives and simply observe and listen to ourselves, our thoughts and our bodies whilst feeling at ease in our surroundings.
The CBT Clinic London is based in the Royal Foundation of St. Katherine, London, E14 8DS and we offer a non-religious, non-spiritual, purely practical approach to meditation and mindfulness.
For details about our London mindfulness classes please contact us on 0207 157 9924 or email info@cbtcliniclondon.com.
Private Sessions in Mindfulness Meditation
You can arrange a private one to one session to practice mindfulness meditation which can either take place in the clinic or remotely over Skype, Zoom or Facetime.
Some clients feel more at ease in practising in a one to one format others find practising in a small group suits them better. Either way, we can discuss the best approach to your mindfulness practice so that you feel at ease.
If your lifestyle means that fitting in a regular day or time for a group class can be challenging, then you may find that one to one sessions or the Skype/Zoom/Facetime option would suit you better.
Mindfulness Classes in London
For details about our London mindfulness classes please contact us on 0207 157 9924 or email info@cbtcliniclondon.com.
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Meditation for Stress and Anxiety – Canary Wharf, East London
For information about our meditation classes in Canary Wharf, East London email our team now on info@cbtcliniclondon.com or call 0207 157 9924.
Learn MoreHow Common is Depression?
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Depression CBT Therapy East London Canary Wharf
Despite the fact that being depressed or being in a state of depression feels like one of the most loneliest experiences out there, depression touches a huge number of individuals on a day to day basis. The World Health Organisation estimates that over one hundred and twenty million people suffer with this illness, and with up to twenty percent of people showing symptoms of depression at any one time, this proves that you are not alone.
There are a staggering amount of people across the globe who suffer, and battle, various degrees of depression at one stage or another in their lives however, statistics show that depression itself is much more commonplace in today’s society, and nobody is exempt.#]
Feeling Depressed in 2020 – A Wider Recognition
We often ask ourselves why depression is more common nowadays than it used to be back in, say, the 1940s, and the most prevailing feature is possibly an acceptance of the condition. What with the creativity of social media, particularly over the last decade, there has been a wider acknowledgement of depression, and as such, the word ‘depression’ itself has much less of a stigma attached to it.
This wider recognition has also contributed to a greater understanding of depression, and the levels of depression a person may suffer; no longer is it an illness which is kept under wraps, rather than now, it is a condition which is discussed openly within families, communities, even on your favourite daytime television programmes and soap operas.
Secondly to this stronger affirmation, we have to take a look at society as a whole. With statistics suggesting that ten times more people suffer with major depression than they did some sixty years ago, and in particular, young adults, we cannot ignore the social factors behind the constant increase in diagnoses. This increase can of course be attributed to more people going to their doctor to discuss their feelings and symptoms however, it is the case that our emotional needs are perpetually demanding to be met.
As human beings we have emotional needs, and those who are depressed are usually not getting their emotional needs met and are not receiving the emotional support needed to thrive and prosper. We seem to be living in a society today where social acceptance plays a major role in our every day lives, and all to often individuals are basing their own successes on the successes of those around them. These comparisons, without doubt, can make any character feel as though they are not good enough, that everyone else is better than them, and so on.
While there are a number of factors that can cause depression, such as a bereavement, divorce, abuse, redundancy, or money worries, there are a number of triggers that can often combine to spark the symptoms of depression, and these factors have troubled individuals since the beginning of time.
It has often been said that society breeds depression, and the expectations placed upon us at a very early age is a major contributory factor . Growing on from that, the expectations we place on ourselves through our teenage years and into adulthood, as well as what society deems ‘successful’ is proving to have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves, making us an anxious breed.
For many, depression can be an overwhelming force; it can force us into a corner, force us to retreat, and force us to close ourselves up to the very people who want to care and help us. These days, having a wider recognition of depression has undoubtedly played a huge part in the acceptance of it, and although depression is by no means a modern condition, the triggers are constantly evolving.
CBT Therapy is the most effective treatment for the symptoms of Depression and you can find more about how we treat Depression and many other common mental health difficulties at the home of CBT Therapy – The CBT Clinic London. www.cbtcliniclondon.com.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]